Transition to School

“Their path to success starts here”

Starting school is a time of high excitement and expectation for your child, as well as the family. A smooth, seamless and positive experience will set the tone and direction for the school years.

“He taonga te mokopuna, kia whångaia, kia tipu, kia rea”

“A child is a treasure, to be nurtured, to grow, to flourish.”


By exposing the children to the school environment we are giving them the opportunity to start school with some knowledge of the expectations and different routines they may encounter. The children will feel confident in their transition and begin school with a sense of empowerment.

“Individual learners develop values and attitudes which lead to a desire to participate in all school learning activities, whether by contributing ideas, reading or listening.”

Te Whariki, 2017


The School Group classes run for 1 hour 30 minutes and are held in the Transition to School room within the pre-school. There are a maximum of 6 children per session and each child attends twice a week.


During the school group sessions, the children work on numeracy and literacy skills, activities that develop fine motor skills and social skills. Each session the children take a reading book home to share with their families. These activities support the children’s developing self-management and independence skills.


Each term the school group children attend at least one school assembly and morning tea with Selwyn House School. This helps the children to become familiar with a larger school community and to understand what it is like at school.


Each term the school group teacher will make contact with the schools that the children will be transitioning onto the following term. This is to discuss the children’s interests and the best way to support the child and their families through this process.